stood up for his rights|stand up for his right in English

fought for his privileges, stood his ground, fought for his principles

Use "stood up for his rights|stand up for his right" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stood up for his rights|stand up for his right" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stood up for his rights|stand up for his right", or refer to the context using the word "stood up for his rights|stand up for his right" in the English Dictionary.

1. Joseph stood up for what was right, yet his brothers hated him

2. 30 Civil and commercial litigation allows me to help a client stand up for his rights.

3. 16 Get up, stand up, Stand up for your rights. Get up, stand up, Don't give up the fight. Bob Marley 

4. 7 You must stand up for your rights.

5. 6 You can stand up for your right.

6. That was a solitary figure who stood up for his faith under persecution.

7. 26 Stand up for your rights and don't be such a weakling.

8. He pushed his chair back and stood up.

9. Third, stand up for fairness if you see another’s rights being impeded.

10. You go see Charlie, he still can't pick up his right hand for his hat.

11. He always demonstrated courage to stand up for what was right.

12. It was difficult for his Cowered staff to stand up to this overbearing behaviour

13. Delaney unbuckled his webbing and stood up, picking his way forward past the life rafts racked ready for the drop.

14. Don't let them shove you around. You've got to stand up for your rights.

15. 10 You should stand up for your rights and insist that he pays you.

16. Billy stood up slowly, rubbed his jaw, and spat blood.

17. Showing practical wisdom, Peter “stood up . . . and raised his voice.”

18. His argument simply doesn't stand up to close scrutiny.

19. He's too pusillanimous to stand up to his opponents.

20. 21 Start legal proceedings against him, and the law could stand up for your rights.

21. 19 Don't let them shove you around. You've got to stand up for your rights.

22. Stand up for what is right when pressured to cheat on a test.

23. Stand up for what is right when pressured to do what is wrong.

24. All through the faculty meeting Frank stood up for his friend who was being criticized so severely.

25. Evidently, he found it easier to stand up to the king of Egypt than to stand up to his peers!